Internal Regulations

Access to the Terminals & Instructions


Access to the territory of BMF Port Burgas AD is granted under the terms and conditions of Rules of Organisation and Management of Access Control Regime and Internal Order at port BMF Port Bugras AD.

All persons visiting the territory of BMF Port Burgas , regardless of the purpose and duration of their visit, must undergo initial training in accordance with applicable regulations and rules for access control and internal order on the territory of the Company. 

Persons wishing to be granted access to the terminals must get acquainted with the Rules of Organisation and Management of Access Control Regime and Internal Order at port BMF Port Bugras AD. They must fill in the following Request-Declaration for granting access and conduction of initial health and safety induction and send it to with a copy to the department / employee in the structure of the company, whose activity is related to the purpose of their visit.

Initial inductions are sheduled  Monday through Friday as follows: 

  • Bulgarian language: 09:00 and 13:00 h 
  • English language: 09:30 and 13:30 h 

Requests are submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the preferred date and time of induction. Applicants for the induction shall receive a confirmation in reply to their submitted request. 

Every person residing on the territory of BMF Port Burgas is obliged to get acquainted with  and comply with the internal rules set out in the attached documents, as well as all other instructions from representatives of the company, provided in writing or orally:

Brief safety instructions for visitors to BMF Port Burgas’s terminals: 

