BMF Port Burgas has launched a new Intermodal Terminal in Bozhurishte

The private port operator “BMF Port Burgas” AD – concessionaire of Port Terminal “Burgas East-2” and Port Terminal “Burgas West” – has opened an Intermodal Terminal in Industrial Zone Bozhurishte. It will be used for handling of shipping containers that have been discharged at the Burgas Port and intended for customers in the western part of the country, and vice versa. The transportation of the containers between Burgas and Sofia will be carried out by rail, in accordance with the new European trends for switching to more environmentally friendly solutions for the transportation of goods.

Mr. Boris Balev – CEO of BMF Port Burgas AD, presented to the guests the advantages of the terminal as a main connecting link between the port of Burgas and the European network of intermodal terminals and as a tool allowing Bulgaria to take on new flows of cargo from the Middle East to Western Europe.

The terminal is located in the heart of the Balkans – along the “Sofia-Bankya” railway line, and about 5 km from the Sofia Ring Road. Its key location ensures flexibility of container deliveries to/from the interior of the country, both via road and rail.

Registered as a temporary and bonded warehouse, the terminal has an operational area is 27,000 square meters, whereas its annual capacity is estimated at 60,000 TEU. The investment in its construction amounts to nearly 5 million euros.

The opening ceremony was held at the newly built site of the terminal. The event was attended by representatives of various national institutions, clients, and partners.

More details about the Intermodal Terminal are available here.
