Grant Agreement under CEF-Transport-2021 for co-funding of Project REBIRTH28

BMF Port Burgas AD signed a Grant Agreement under CEF-Transport-2021 for co-funding of a Project „ Raising low-Emissions multimodal transport in the core port of Burgas with new Infrastructures for beRTH28 (REBIRTH28)”

On 7th of October 2022, BMF Port Burgas AD and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, signed a Grant Agreement for co-funding of the Project „ Raising low-Emissions multimodal transport in the core port of Burgas with new Infrastructures for beRTH28” (Project number: 101079057 and Project acronym: 21-BG-TC-REBIRTH28).

The indicative amount of the eligible costs of the Project is EUR 46,864,500.00. Up to 85% of this amount or EUR 39,834,825.00 will be funded under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport programme, priority “Projects on the Core Network” – Cohesion envelope. The other part of the investment will be financed by the Company using its own funds and bank loans if needed.

The deadline for the implementation of the Project by BMF Port Burgas AD is the end of February 2025.

Project REBIRTH28 relates to the construction of a new deep-water berth (berth 28) at terminal Burgas West in the port of Burgas in order to create a new port area dedicated to the handling and storage of containers and to implement low-emission multimodal solutions for moving the cargo flows from ships to rail and vice versa. Part of the Project also aims to restore the functionality of the rail tracks located inside the terminal to increase the modal share of the rail transport not only within the port but also to /from the port’s hinterland.

The construction of berth 28 represents the first phase of the development initiative of BMF Port Burgas AD that will lead to completion of the infrastructure works on the Eastern side of terminal Burgas West, which includes the construction of 3 additional berths (27, 26 and 25A).

The projected technical parameters of berth 28 are:

  • quay wall: berth’s operational length 260 m, depth -15.5 m;
  • maximum ship’s characteristics: length 295 m, width 32 m, draft = 14.0 m, DWT = 80,000 tons

The growth of the cargo volumes in the last few years is requiring modern, efficient and sustainable solutions as well as additional spaces to improve the functionality of the port. The Project is also in line with the priorities of the European Union (EU) aimed at reducing the harmful emissions produced by the transport sector by implementing new technologies and low-emission solutions for the handling of cargoes.

The Project includes 5 work packages:

  1. Project management, dissemination and coordination activities;

  2. Construction of the quay wall of berth 28 at terminal Burgas West;

  3. Construction of the electric power supply and lighting and rehabilitation of the rail tracks at terminal Burgas West;

  4. Construction supervision and author’s supervision of the construction works;

  5. Implementation of shore-side electricity supply solutions at terminal Burgas West (berths 27 and 28).

Project REBIRTH28 is the follow-up of the CEF-Transport co-funded Project “From East 2 West. Access to the OEM Corridor through the Core port of Burgas – 2016-BG-TMC-0083-S” which was successfully completed in September 2019.

The investment objectives of BMF Port Burgas AD are aligned with the EU strategy for the development of the Trans-European Transport Network for enabling the cross-border connections and removing the network bottlenecks.

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