On 04.10.2021, BMF Port Burgas EAD and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, signed Grant Agreement No. INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2020/2441583 for the provision of a grant for the realization of the project „Black Sea Gateway to the OEM Transport Corridor. Studies for development of the basic infrastructure of the core port of Burgas”- 2020-BG-TMC-0014-S”. The project has a total indicative value of EUR 1 172 000 , and up to 85% of this amount or EUR 996 200, will be allocated under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport sector, priority “Pre-identified projects on the Core Network Corridors and on the other sections of the Core network”. The other part of the investment will be financed by the Company with own funds.
The deadline for the implementation of the project by BMF port Burgas EAD is the end of June, 2024.
The scope of the project includes:
- Preparatory studies and surveys, environmental analysis, cost-benefit analysis and preparation of conceptual and technical designs for construction of a new pier on Berth 20A at port terminal Burgas East -2 in connection with the reconstruction and modernization of the liquid cargoes handling site;
- Preparatory studies and surveys, environmental analysis, cost-benefit analysis and preparation of conceptual and technical designs for construction of a new quay wall of port terminal Burgas West in connection with the establishment of a new berth (Berth 29) and a general and dry bulk cargoes handling and storage site on the territory of the terminal.
The project aims to improve the port infrastructure in the port of Burgas (terminals Burgas East – 2 and Burgas West), creating modern and safer working environment and favorable investment climate for the economic development of the Burgas region. The sea access to the port will also be improved.
The investment intentions of BMF Port Burgas EAD are completely in line with the EU strategy for development of the Trans-European Transport Network, for enabling the cross-border connections and removing the network bottlenecks.
More information about the project is available here.