BMF Port Burgas AD signed a Grant Agreement under CEF-Transport-2023 for co-funding of Project „From East 2 West Connections“ (FE2WC) On 7th of October 2024, BMF Port Burgas AD and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, signed a Grant Agreement for co-funding of the […]
On October 9th, 2024 , BMF Port Burgas signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with KTZ Express – a logistics and multimodal transportation company that is essential for boosting Kazakhstan’s role as a transit country in international logistics, particularly in the China-Europe trade corridor. This partnership between BMF Port Burgas and KTZ Express will pave the […]
On 26.09.2024, BMF Port Burgas AD held a closing event for the successful realization of the project „Black Sea Gateway to the OEM Transport Corridor. Studies for development of the basic infrastructure of the core port of Burgas”- 2020-BG-TMC-0014-S”. The project is co-financed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), Transport sector, and its total value […]
BMF Port Burgas has been chosen as the receiving European port for a new service for deliveries of shipping containers on rail along the Middle Corridor to Europe and vice versa. It is a block train service by Beijing Trans Eurasia International Logistics Co., from China to Europe passing through Kazakhstan with multiple transshipments, that […]
The renowned MEDKON Lines has added our Container terminal to its Bulgaria-Romania Shuttle Service (BRO). This new inclusion enhances connectivity across the Black Sea and represents a significant step in strengthening regional trade, supporting economic growth, and offering our customers more streamlined, reliable logistics solutions.
The construction site for the construction of berth 28 at “Burgas West” terminal was opened on February 23, 2023, as the contractor for the construction works is “Port Infrastructure – KM 28” with partners “Glavbolgarstroy” AD and and ” Glavbolgarstoy International” EAD. The deadline for the implementation of all construction works on the site is […]
BMF Port Burgas AD signed contracts for technical design for construction of new port infrastructure at terminals “Burgas East-2” and “Burgas West” On 27th of November 2023, BMF Port Burgas AD signed contracts with the Dutch company Haskoning DHV Netherlands B.V. for preparation of a technical design for reconstruction of the pier at […]
BMF PORT BURGAS became the newest associate member of TRANS-CASPIAN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT ROUTE Association ‘’ Middle Corridor’’. This is a huge step and extremely important not only for our port but for the logistics of Bulgaria, Europe and the global trade connectivity! The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR ) starts from Southeast Asia and China, […]
„БМФ Порт Бургас” обявява втори литературен конкурс. Конкурсът ще стартира в Деня на светите братя Кирил и Методий, на българската азбука, просвета и култура и на славянската книжовност – 24 май. Литературната надпревара е част от социалната програма на дружеството, което като концесионер на пристанищните терминали „Бургас Изток 2” и „Бургас Запад” от 2012 г. […]
The private port operator “BMF Port Burgas” AD – concessionaire of Port Terminal “Burgas East-2” and Port Terminal “Burgas West” – has opened an Intermodal Terminal in Industrial Zone Bozhurishte. It will be used for handling of shipping containers that have been discharged at the Burgas Port and intended for customers in the western part […]