BMF Port Burgas AD signed contracts for technical design


BMF Port Burgas AD signed contracts for technical design for construction of new port infrastructure at terminals “Burgas East-2” and “Burgas West”


On 27th of November 2023, BMF Port Burgas AD signed contracts with the Dutch company Haskoning DHV Netherlands B.V. for preparation of a technical design for reconstruction of the pier at berth 20A at port terminal Burgas East-2 and a technical design for a new quay wall at berth 29 at port terminal Burgas West – both parts of the port of Burgas in two separate lots:

  • Lot 1: Preparation of a technical design for reconstruction of a pier at berth 20A at port terminal Burgas East-2. The value of the assigned service amounts to BGN 561 323.00, VAT excluded.
  • Lot 2: Preparation of a technical design for a new quay wall at berth 29 at port terminal Burgas West. The value of the assigned service amounts to BGN 514 383.00, VAT excluded.

The deadline for implementation of the activities under both contracts is 20th of April 2024.

The documents for participation in the procedure for selection of contractors for the award of the services were published in the Buyer’s profile section on the website of BMF Port Burgas AD on 3rd of April 2023.

The preliminary designs for the new port infrastructure have been prepared. Environmental analyses and assessments of the investment initiatives of the Company with the applicable environmental norms and rules have been conducted as well.

The preparation of the technical designs for construction of new port infrastructure at terminals “Burgas East-2” and “Burgas West” is part of project “Black Sea Gateway to the OEM Transport Corridor. Studies for development of the basic infrastructure of the core port of Burgas – 2020-BG-TMC-0014-S” of BMF Port Burgas EAD. The project is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport, priority “Pre-identified projects on the Core Network Corridors and on the other sections of the Core network”, with a total indicative value of BGN 2 292 197.60 (EUR 1 172 000.00) VAT excluded.

The deadline for implementation of all project activities by the Company is 30th of June 2024.

